Our Story

Everybody who donates will become a member of the College Kids Helping Kids Family!


Our Story

Help College Kids was established in September of 2020, and our primary objective is to become the largest financial supporter of students in the United States, through the unique use of crowdfunding. We are excited to launch our services, and we absolutely cannot wait to meet and help out college students across the country, and even across the globe. As students ourselves, our singular focus is on helping college and university students rid themselves of financial stress, so that they can focus on their studies. Attending college and university is of the utmost important these days, but it has also become exorbitantly expensive. Everyone deserves a chance to excel in the field of higher education, and we are extremely grateful to our donors for becoming a part of this important movement. We consider ourselves an ever-expanding family here at Help College Kids, so if you are interested and able to donate, please join the family! For prospective students: please also feel more than welcome to fill out an application, and we will be in touch. Our website is secure, our application process is free, and everyone here at Help College Kids loves having you visit and see exactly what we are all about. And, if you are interested in learning more about this important cause, and donating, please read on. Everyone who donates will become a member of the College Kids Helping Kids family, and thank you for checking us out!

WHO We Are

We are students ourselves, and our goal is to build a bridge between college students across the world, so that all college kids can help college kids! Every single donation, small or large, is exceedingly important to the cause.

WHY We Do It

We know what a financial challenge higher education can be, and we’d like to help students meet that challenge, so they can focus on what is important. Everyone who donates will become a member of the College Kids Helping Kids Family, and we are entirely grateful for your support.


Our focus is on creating a strong connection among all college and university students. Students and others who are able and willing to donate will be directly helping other students who are in need. Every single donation helps!

About Us

Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Michael Pate Jr., and I am an 18-year-old high school student from Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Each day at Tolman High School, I witness the financial struggles that classmates; including myself, go through. When I reflected on it, I could only imagine how difficult it would be to face similar periods of adversity in college. This revelation led myself and a good friend to the creation of this company. As a high school student and prospective college student myself, I am aware of the new financial responsibilities that accompany enrollment: books, housing supplies clothes; it all adds up quickly, and our company would like to help. We want each student out there to know what we are here for their every need. Our goal is to help you out during the school year so you can focus on what is important: your education. As a student myself, I’d like everyone out there to realize that I am no different than you. I am simply  an average 18-year-old student with some big dreams, and this idea is one of them. I am hoping that with hard work, I can continue to share my passion for helping college kids. I not only would like to help my local community, but to also achieve a global reach in helping students achieve their dreams without the financial stress. If I can make a difference in the lives of at least a fraction of the students out there, I will consider this venture a success.